INCONTACT  information about specific international cooperation calls in the Horizon 2020 work programmes

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Search Results

55 topics within 40 calls were found

Call Identifier Topic Deadline
Transport H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Connectivity and information sharing for intelligent mobility:MG-7.1-2014 18 March 2014
Transport H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Global competitiveness of automotive supply chain management MG-3.3-2014 18 March 2014
Transport H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter and safer 18 March 2014
Transport H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Smarter design, construction and maintenance:MG-8.1a-2014 18 March 2014
ERC ERC-2014-STG ERC Starting Grant ERC-StG-2014 25 March 2014
FET H2020-FETPROACT-2014 Global Systems Science (GSS) FETPROACT-1-2014 1 April 2014
LEIT H2020-Galileo-2014-1 EGNSS awareness raising, capacity building and/or promotion activities, inside or outside of the European Union GALILEO-4-2014 3 April 2014
LEIT H2020-Galileo-2014-1 Releasing the potential of EGNSS applications through international cooperation GALILEO-3-2014 3 April 2014
Health H2020-HCO-2014 HCO 10 – 2014: ERA NET: Rare Disease research implementing IRDiRC objectives 15 April 2014
Health H2020-HCO-2014 HCO 4 – 2014: Support for international infectious disease preparedness research 15 April 2014
MC H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) 24 April 2014
Societies H2020-INT-INCO-2014 Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners INT-02-2014 29 April 2014
Security H2020-BES-2014 Information management topic 2: Information management, systems and infrastructure for civilian EU External Actions BES-11-2014 28 August 2014
RIS H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-2 e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation 2 September 2014
RIS H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-2 International cooperation for research infrastructures 2 September 2014
ERC ERC-2014-PoC ERC Proof of Concept Grant ERC-PoC-2014 1 October 2014
SwafT H2020-GARRI-2014-1 Ethics in Research: Promoting Integrity GARRI-5-2014 2 October 2014
SwafT H2020-GARRI-2014-1 Reducing the risk of exporting non ethical practices to third countries GARRI-6-2014 2 October 2014
Food SFS-20-2015 Sustainable food chains through public policies: the cases of the EU quality policy and of public sector food procurement 3 February 2015
Food SFS-5-2015 Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality 3 February 2015
Food SFS-7-2014/2015 Genetic resources and agricultural diversity for food security, productivity and resilience 3 February 2015
Health H2020-HCO-2015 Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases: 2015 priority 24 February 2015
LEIT NMP 19 – 2015 Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 24 – 2015 Low-energy solutions for drinking water production 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 25 – 2014/2015 Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 30 – 2015 Next generation tools for risk governance of nanomaterials 26 March 2015
LEIT ICT 24 – 2015 Robotics 14 April 2015
LEIT ICT 25 – 2015 Generic micro- and nano-electronic technologies 14 April 2015
Environment H2020-SC5-2015-one-stage Integrating North African, Middle East and Balkan Earth Observation capacities in GEOSS SC5-18b-2015 21 April 2015
Environment H2020-SC5-2015-one-stage Topic: Strategic international dialogues and cooperation with raw materials producing countries and industry SC5-13f-2015 21 April 2015
Environment SC5-18-2014/2015 Coordinating and supporting Earth Observation research and innovation in the EU, and in the North African, Middle East, and Balkan region 21 April 2015
Environment WASTE-4-2014/2015 Towards near-zero waste at European and global level 21 April 2015
Societies H2020-INT-INCO-2015 Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners INT-02-2015 12 May 2015
Societies H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 Europe's contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants INT-03-2015 28 May 2015
Societies H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean INT-06-2015 28 May 2015
Societies H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 The European Union and integration challenges in the Balkans INT-10-2015 28 May 2015
Societies H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 The European Union's contribution to global development: in search of greater policy coherence INT-04-2015 28 May 2015
Societies H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 The European Union, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities INT-09-2015 28 May 2015
Societies H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region INT-07-2015 28 May 2015
Security H2020-DRS-2014/2015 DRS-1-2015: Crisis management topic 1: Potential of current and new measures and technologies to respond to extreme weather and climate events 27 August 2015
Security H2020-DRS-2014/2015 DRS-3-2015: Crisis management topic 3: Demonstration activity on large scale disasters and crisis management and resilience of EU external assets against major identified threats or causes of crisis 27 August 2015
Security H2020-DRS-2014/2015 DRS-4- 2014: Crisis management topic 4: Feasibility study for strengthening capacity-building for health and security protection in case of large-scale pandemics – Phase I Demo 27 August 2015
Transport MG.3.6-2015 Safe and connected automation in road transport 15 October 2015
Food BG-12-2016: Towards an integrated Mediterranean Sea Observing Sy 17 February 2016
RIS INFRASUPP-03-2016: Support to policies and international coopera 30 March 2016
Transport MG-7.2-2017: Optimisation of transport infrastructure including 26 January 2017
Societies ENG-GLOBALLY-02-2017: Shifting global geopolitics and Europe's p 2 February 2017
Societies ENG-GLOBALLY-04-2017: Science diplomacy for EU neighbourhood pol 2 February 2017
Food SFS-20-2017: Towards a science-based regionalisation of the Comm 14 February 2017
Food SFS-23-2016: Improving the technical performance of the Mediterr 17 February 2017
RIS INFRASUPP-02-2017: Policy and international cooperation measures 29 March 2017