INCONTACT  information about specific international cooperation calls in the Horizon 2020 work programmes

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Multiple countries can be selected one by one. When more than 1 country is selected, you can use the logical operator with the following options:

  • AND - only the topics targeted to ALL selected countries will be shown,
  • OR - only the topics targeted to at least SOME of the selected countries will be shown.

Click on a region title to filter results by geographical regions. The logical operator is automatically set to 'AND', to display the call topics targeted to ALL countries within the region. You may want to change the logical operator to 'OR', to display call topics that are targeted to at least SOME of the countries within this region.

The numbers indicate the amount of call topics that are targeted to each country and that are matching the entire search criteria.

Search Results

28 topics within 24 calls were found

Call Identifier Topic Deadline
LEIT H2020-FoF-2014 Global energy and other resources efficiency in manufacturing enterprises FoF-03-2014 20 March 2014
LEIT H2020-Galileo-2014-1 EGNSS awareness raising, capacity building and/or promotion activities, inside or outside of the European Union GALILEO-4-2014 3 April 2014
LEIT H2020-Galileo-2014-1 Releasing the potential of EGNSS applications through international cooperation GALILEO-3-2014 3 April 2014
LEIT H2020-EUJ-2014 EUJ-1-2014: Technologies combining big data, internet of things in the cloud 10 April 2014
LEIT H2020-EUJ-2014 EUJ-2-2014: Optical communications 10 April 2014
LEIT H2020-EUJ-2014 EUJ-3-2014: Access networks for densely located users 10 April 2014
LEIT H2020-EUJ-2014 EUJ-4-2014: Experimentation and development on federated Japan - EU testbeds 10 April 2014
LEIT H2020-NMP-CSA-2014 Coordination of EU and international efforts in safety of nanotechnology NMP-27-2014 6 May 2014
LEIT NMP 19 – 2015 Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 23 – 2015 Novel materials by design for substituting critical materials 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 24 – 2015 Low-energy solutions for drinking water production 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 25 – 2014/2015 Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs 26 March 2015
LEIT NMP 30 – 2015 Next generation tools for risk governance of nanomaterials 26 March 2015
LEIT H2020-COMPET-2015 International Cooperation in space science COMPET-06-2015 8 April 2015
LEIT ICT 24 – 2015 Robotics 14 April 2015
LEIT ICT 25 – 2015 Generic micro- and nano-electronic technologies 14 April 2015
LEIT ICT 38 – 2015 International partnership building and support to dialogues with high income countries. 14 April 2015
LEIT ICT 39 – 2015 International partnership building in low and middle income countries 14 April 2015
LEIT EUB 1 – 2015 Cloud Computing, including security aspects 21 April 2015
LEIT EUB 2 – 2015 High Performance Computing (HPC) 21 April 2015
LEIT NMBP-02-2016: Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on 8 December 2015
LEIT NMBP-03-2016: Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for 8 December 2015
LEIT ICT-37-2016: CHINA: Collaboration on Future Internet 19 January 2016
LEIT ICT-38-2016: MEXICO: Collaboration on ICT 19 January 2016
LEIT NMBP-27-2016: Promoting safe innovation through global consolida 21 January 2016
LEIT NMBP-20-2017: High-performance materials for optimizing carbon d 27 October 2016
LEIT ICT-31-2017: Micro- and nanoelectronics technologies 25 April 2017
LEIT ICT-39-2016-2017: International partnership building in low and 25 April 2017