INCONTACT  information about specific international cooperation calls in the Horizon 2020 work programmes

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Call Details

Work Programme : Transport - Smart, green and integrated transport
Call Identifier : MG-7.2-2017: Optimisation of transport infrastructure including
Call Type : Targeted call
Call Description : Optimisation of transport infrastructure including terminals

In line with the Union's strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation, international cooperation, in particular with Neighbouring Partner Countries, is encouraged. Proposals should take into consideration research actions already funded under the INFRAVATION ERA-NET Plus.
Publication Date : 14 October 2015
Deadline : 26 January 2017
Targeted countries : INCO EECA : Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova (Republic of), Ukraine

INCO MEDITERRANEAN : Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian administered areas, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia