INCONTACT  information about specific international cooperation calls in the Horizon 2020 work programmes

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Call Details

Work Programme : Environment - Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
Call Identifier : SC5-29-2016: Framework Partnership Agreement supporting Joint Ac
Call Type : General International Cooperation Call
Call Description : Framework Partnership Agreement supporting Joint Actions towards a sustainable green economy in Europe and beyond
Substantial volumes of investment are required. They cannot be allocated by individual Member States or by European institutions alone. The European Union funding is only a limited part of the total amounts available across Europe. The scale and scope of required effort can be achieved by pooling together research, innovation and financial resources from multiple sources at European and national levels. A properly aligned European Research Area open to the world can make an essential difference in enabling a transformative sustainability agenda to take shape. The alignment of research and innovation agendas across the world will be crucial in bringing about the necessary transformations to which the European Union aspires at a global level. Hence, cooperation with international programmes, including through established channels such as the Belmont Forum, are an important element.
Establish long-lasting joint programming research efforts with structural impacts between Member States and with international partners, capitalising on the experience of networks such as the Belmont Forum, in areas of common interest within the scope of Societal Challenge 5; increase the involvement of programme managers and owners in jointly addressing sustainability challenges, inter alia through ERA-NET Cofund actions, thereby improving the synergy at Europea.
Publication Date : 14 October 2015
Deadline : 8 September 2016
Targeted countries :