INCONTACT  information about specific international cooperation calls in the Horizon 2020 work programmes

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Call Details

Work Programme : Food - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research
Call Identifier : H2020-SFS-2014-2
Call Type : Targeted call
Publication Date : 11 December 2013
Deadline : 12 March 2014
Title : EU-China cooperation on IPM in agriculture SFS-03b-2014
Description : Native and alien pests cause increasing yearly losses to agriculture and forestry and plant production costs. Invasive alien species and new pests and diseases impact negatively on native species (e.g. outcompete), affect food chains, change biodiversity patterns and disrupt terrestrial ecosystems (including inland water bodies) and landscapes, with further impacts on economic and recreational activities. Climate change is expected to favour the permanent establishment of many alien pests and change the distribution of already established pests.
Proposals should cover a number of farming systems (including organic) and aim at increasing productivity while preserving ecosystems and reducing pesticide residues in food. Pests affecting fruits and vegetables are of particular interest, when the exchange of information, best practices and technologies is a benefit for both EU and China farmers/growers and consumers.
Targeted countries : China